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[29] during a leap year  
  1. In Athens (Greece), Saint Martinian, who embraced the eremitical life near Caesarea in Palestine. († c. 398)

  2. In Karden (Germany), Saint Castor from Aquitaine, priest and hermit. († 4th cent.).

  3. In Todi (Italy), Saint Benignus, priest and martyr. († 4th cent.)

  4. In Lyon (France), Saint Stephen, bishop. († c. 515)

  5. In Rieti (Italy), the commemoration of Saint Stephen, abbot, a man of marvelous patience as Pope Saint Gregory the Great attests. († 6th cent.)

  6. * In Osnabrück (Germany), Saint Gosbert, bishop of the Swabians, who, having been exiled by unbelievers, assumed the government of the see of Osnabrück. († 874)

  7. * In Carcassonne (France), Saint Gimer, bishop. († c. 931)

  8. * In Lodève (France), Saint Fulcran, bishop, distinguished for his mercy towards the poor and for his zeal for the divine office. († 1006)

  9. * In Meaux (France), Saint Gilbert, bishop. († 1009)

  10. * Near Ptolemais in Phoenicia (now Akko, Israel), Blessed Jordan of Saxony, priest of the Order of Preachers, successor and imitator of Saint Dominic, who worked tirelessly to spread the Order and perished in a shipwreck. († 1237)

  11. * In Spoleto (Italy), Blessed Cristina (Agostina) Camozzi, who, after her husband died, indulged for a time to the concupiscence of the flesh. At her conversion, she chose the life of a penitent and became a Secular Augustinian, distinguished for her life of prayer and service to the sick and the poor. († 1458)

  12. * In Padua (Italy), Blessed Eustochio (Lucrezia) Bellini, virgin and professed nun of the Order of Saint Benedict. († 1469)

  13. In Dongjiaochang, in the province of Sichuan (China), Saint Paul Liu Hanzou, diocesan priest and martyr, who was strangled for being a Christian. († 1818)

  14. In Thị Nghè (Vietnam), Saint Paul [Phaolô] Lê Văn Lộc, diocesan priest and martyr, who was beheaded at the city gate during the reign of Emperor Tự Đức for confessing Christ. († 1858)

  15. * In Huehuetenango (Guatemala), Blessed James Alfred Miller, professed religious of the Brothers of the Christian Schools and martyr. Committed to the education of indigenous people and the restoration of their dignity, he was killed out of hatred for the Church and her mission of justice. († 1982)



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Last modified: 01/03/25