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~ 10 February ~

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[29] during a leap year  
  1. The Memorial of Saint Scholastica, virgin, buried on this day. Sister of Saint Benedict, she was consecrated to God from childhood and maintained a perfect spiritual union with her brother, whom she visited once a year  in Montecassino (Italy) to spend together a day of holy conversations and praise to God. († c. 547)

  2. In Magnesia on the Maeander (now Tekin, Türkiye), Saints Chalarampus, Porphyry and Dauctus, who together with three women suffered martyrdom during the reign of Emperor Septimius Severus. († 3rd cent.)

  3. In Rome (Italy), at the tenth milestone of Via Labicana, Saints Zoticus and Amantius, martyrs. († 2nd/4th cent.)

  4. Near Terracina (Italy), Saint Silvanus, bishop. († 4th cent.)

  5. In Santonas (now Saintes, France), Saint Trojan, bishop. (†c. 550).

  6. * In Vesontio (now Besançon, France), Saint Prothadius, bishop. († c. 624)

  7. In Rouen, in Neustria, Saint Austreberta, virgin and abbess, who governed the monastery of Pavilly, founded by Bishop Saint Audöenus. († 704)

  8. At the cave of Stabulum Rhodis, near Grossetto (Italy), Saint Guglielmo, hermit of Malavalle, whose life inspired and gave rise to numerous congregations of hermits. († 1157)

  9. * In the Premonstratensian monastery of Fosses, near Namur (Belgium), Blessed Hugues, abbot, to whom his teacher Saint Norbert, on being elected Archbishop of Magdeburg, entrusted the organization of the Order, which he prudently governed for thirty-five years. († c. 1163)

  10. * In Rimini (Italy), Blessed Chiara Agolanti, widow, who, atoned for the dissolute life she had previously led through penance, mortification, and fasting. After gathering a group of companions in a monastery, she served God with humility of spirit. († between 1324 and 1329)

  11. * In Avrillé (France), Blessed Pierre Frémond and his five women companions,[1] laypersons and martyrs, who were shot during the French Revolution for their fidelity to the Catholic Church. († 1794)

  12. In Sahuayo (Mexico), Saint José Sánchez del Río, martyr, who at the age of fourteen gave a courageous witness by enduring torture and shedding his blood for Christ the King during the Mexican persecution. († 1928)

  13. * In Valverde del Camino, near Huelva (Spain), Blessed Eusebia Palomino Yenes, virgin, professed religious of the Institute of the Daughters of Mary Help of Christians, who offered an outstanding example of humility, without any pretension, and reached the heights of grace through a spirit of self-denial in the humblest of works. († 1935)

  14. * In Krašić, near Zagreb (Croatia), Blessed Alojzije Stepinac, Archbishop of Zagreb, who courageously rejected teachings that denied both faith and human dignity until the end of his distinguished episcopate, having been imprisoned for his fidelity to the Church, struck by illness, and exhausted by deprivations. († 1960)


[1] Their names are: (1) Catherine and (2) Marie-Louise du Verdier de la Sorinière, blood sisters; (3) Louise Bessay de la Voute, (4) Marie-Anne Hacher du Bois, and (5) Louise Poirier.



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Last modified: 01/03/25