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[29] during a leap year  
  1. The Memorial of Saint Polycarp, bishop and martyr, a disciple of Saint John and the last of the witnesses of the apostolic times. During the reign of Emperors Marcus Antoninus and Lucius Aurelius Commodus, when almost ninety years of age, he was delivered to the flames before the proconsul and the entire population in the amphitheater of Smyrna (now İzmir, Türkiye). He gave thanks to God the Father that he was found worthy to be counted among the martyrs and to share the chalice of Christ. († c. 155)  

  2. In Sirmium (now Sremska Mitrovica, Serbia), Saint Serenus (or Syneros), martyr.  A gardener, he was denounced by a woman whose depravity he reproved.  Declaring before a judge his Christian faith and refusal and to sacrifice to the gods, he died by beheading. († c. 307)

  3. At the monastery in Wenlock (England), Saint Milburga, virgin and abbess, from the royal family of Mercia. († c. 722)

  4. * In Mainz (Germany), Saint Willigis, bishop, distinguished for his pastoral zeal. († 1011)

  5. In Stilo (Italy), Saint Giovanni, a monk according to the Rule of the Eastern Fathers, worthily called Theristis (that is, “the Harvester”) because he was accustomed to offer his assistance to harvesters, moved by profound charity towards the needy. († 11th cent.)

  6. * In Rochefort (France), Blessed Nicolas Tabouillot, diocesan priest and martyr. Parish priest during the French Revolution, he was detained for his priesthood in a prison hulk and ultimately died in a sanatorium within the city consumed by illness. († 1795)

  7. * In Bilbao (Spain), Blessed Rafaela Ybarra de Villalonga. Mother of seven children, she made religious profession with the consent of her spouse and founded the Institute of the Sisters of the Guardian Angels to protect girls and teach them the way of the precepts of the Lord. († 1900)

  8. In Rome, Saint Giuseppina (Giuditta Adelaide) Vannini, virgin, who founded the Congregation of the Daughters of Saint Camillus to give assistance to the sick. († 1911)

  9. * In Poznán (Poland), Blessed Ludwik Mzyk, professed priest of the Society of the Divine Word and martyr, who, during the military occupation of his homeland by a regime which ascribed to teachings against humanity and the faith, was slain by the guards of the city, testifying for Christ until his death. († 1942)

  10. * At the Dachau concentration camp, in Oberbayern (Germany), Blessed Wincenty Frelichowski, diocesan priest, who, during the same war, was deported to various prisons, yet never failed in either his faith or pastoral ministry. Struck by illness while assisting the sick, he beheld eternal peace after so much suffering. († 1945)



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Last modified: 01/03/25