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[29] during a leap year  
  1. In Naples (Italy), the burial of Saint Quodvultdeus, Bishop of Carthage. Forced into exile with his clergy by the Arian King Geneseric, he was placed in a decrepit boat with neither sails nor oars. Against all hope, he was brought to land at Naples where he died as a confessor of the Faith. († 439)

  2. The commemoration of the Holy monks and other martyrs in Palestine who were cruelly slaughtered by Saracens led by Al-Mundhir III because of their faith in Christ. († 507)

  3. In Milan (Italy), Saint Mansuetus, bishop, who fought valiantly against the Monothelist heresy. († c. 680)

  4. In Benavento (Italy), Saint Barbatus, bishop, who, according to tradition, converted the Lombards and their chief to the faith of Christ. († 682)

  5. At the monastery of Vabres, in Rodez (France), Saint George, monk. († c. 877)

  6. * In Bisignano (Italy), Saint Proclus, monk. Gifted with eminent wisdom, he was an outstanding herald of the monastic life. († c. 970)

  7. * At the monastery of La Cambre, in Brussels (Belgium), the burial of Blessed Boniface, Bishop of Lausanne, who later led an ascetic life with the Cistercian monks in this place. († 1260)

  8. * In Noto (Italy), Blessed Corrado Confalonieri from Piacenza, a hermit of the Secular Franciscan Order, who, leaving worldly amusements, followed a very rigorous way of life of diligent prayer and penance for about forty years. († 1351)

  9. * In Córdoba (Spain), the commemoration of Blessed Álvaro from Zamora, professed priest of the Order of Preachers, renowned for his eloquence and contemplation of the Passion of the Lord. († c. 1430)

  10. * In Mantua (Italy), Blessed Elisabetta Picenardi, virgin, who, took the habit of the Order of the Servants of Mary and practiced a life consecrated to God in her father’s house. She was constantly nourished by Holy Communion and the Liturgy of the Hours, devoted herself to the meditation of Sacred Scripture and cultivated a very special devotion to the Virgin Mary. († 1468)

  11. In Kaiyang, in the province of Guizhou (China), Saint Lucy Yi Zhenmei, virgin and martyr, who was condemned to be beheaded for confessing the Catholic faith. († 1862)

  12. * In Dublin (Ireland), Blessed John Sullivan, professed priest of the Society of Jesus. Dedicated to the education and spiritual formation of the young, he was much loved and sought after as a father of the poor and the suffering. († 1933)

  13. * At the Dachau concentration camp, in Oberbayern (Germany), Blessed Józef Zapłata, professed religious of the Congregation of the Brothers of the Sacred Heart of Jesus and martyr. Because of his faith, he was violently deported from Poland, his homeland, to an appalling imprisonment. He consummated his martyrdom after contracting typhus from the prisoners he cared for. († 1945)



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Last modified: 01/03/25