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[29] during a leap year  
  1. In Campania (Italy), Saint Juliana, virgin and martyr. († uncertain.)

  2. In Caesarea in Palestine (now Keisarya, Israel), the Holy martyrs Elias, Jeremias, Isaias, Samuel and Daniel, Christians from Egypt who voluntarily assisted confessors of the faith who were condemned to the mines in Cilicia during the reign of the Emperor Galerius Maximian. They were arrested and most cruelly tortured by the governor Firmilian and ultimately killed with a sword. After these, Pamphilus, a presbyter, Valens, a deacon from Jerusalem, and Paul, a native of the city of Jamnia, accepted the martyrs’ crown after two years in prison.  Also, Porphyry, the servant of Pamphilus, Seleucus the Cappadocian, who had received promotion in the army, Theodulus, an old man from the household of the governor Firmilian, and lastly Julian the Cappadocian, who, arriving at that time from abroad, was denounced as a Christian when he kissed the bodies of the martyrs, and was condemned by the governor to be burned to death over a slow fire. († 309)

  3. In the Persian Empire, Saint Marutha, bishop, who, presided over the Council of Seleucia after peace was restored to the Church. He restored the Churches of God destroyed during the persecution of King Shapur II and placed the relics of the martyrs of Persia in the episcopal city, later called Martyropolis. († before 420)

  4. * In Borgo San Pietro (Italy), Blessed Filippa Mareri, virgin, who, despising the riches and splendor of the world, embraced the way of life of Saint Clare which was recently established in her land. († 1236)

  5. * In Perugia (Italy), Blessed Nicola Paglia, professed priest of the Order of Preachers, who received from Saint Dominic the religious habit and the mission to preach. († 1256)

  6. * In Hiroshima (Japan), Blessed Francis Tōyama Jintarō, layperson and martyr, who drew many to the faith through his exemplary life and was beheaded for refusing to renounce Christ. († 1624)

  7. * In Naples (Italy), Blessed Mariano Arciero, diocesan priest, who carried out an intense work of evangelization through catechesis while tirelessly ministering in the confessional and among the poor. († 1788)

  8. * In Turin (Italy), Blessed Giuseppe Allamano, priest. Animated by indefatigable zeal, he founded the two congregations of the Consolata Missionaries, one for men and another for women, for the propagation of the faith. († 1926)



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Last modified: 01/03/25