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[29] during a leap year  
  1. In Nola (Italy), in Campania, Saint Maximus, bishop, who governed the Church of this city in a period of persecution and, after a long life, rested in peace. († 3rd cent.)

  2. In Lampsacus (now Lapseki, Greece), Saint Parthenius, bishop, who was an outstanding propagator of the faith through his preaching and example during the reign of Emperor Constantine. († 4th cent.)

  3. In the mountains of Sinai, Saint Moses, who, after leading an eremetical life in the desert, was ordained bishop at the request of Mavia, Queen of the Saracens. He managed to preserve peace among warring people and keep the Christian life intact. (†c. 389).

  4. In Florence (Italy), Saint Juliana, widow. († 4th cent.)

  5. * In Siponto (Italy), Saint Lawrence, bishop. († c. 545)

  6. * In Morgex (Italy), Blessed Vuillerme de Leaval, priest. († 7th cent.)

  7. In Lucca (Italy), Saint Richard, father of Saints Willibald and Walburga, who, died on the way to Rome while traveling with his children from England. († c. 720)

  8. In Steiri (Greece), Saint Luke the Younger, hermit. († 955)

  9. * In Muccia (Italy), Blessed Rizziero, who was one of the first and esteemed disciples of Saint Francis. († 1236)

  10. * In Assisi (Italy), Blessed Antonio from Stroncone, professed religious of the Order of Friars Minor. († 1461)

  11. * In London (England), Blessed Thomas Sherwood, martyr. A cloth merchant, he went to Douai to be formed as priest. Returning to London to assist his old and sick father, he was arrested and led to execution during the reign of  Queen Elizabeth I. († 1578)

  12. * In Aubenas (France), the Blessed martyrs Jacques Sal่s, priest, and Guillaume Saultemouche, religious, professed members of the Society of Jesus, who strengthened the faith of the people through their preaching. When the city fell into the hands of dissidents one Sunday, they were martyred before the entire population. († 1593)

  13. In Naples (Italy), Saint Egidio Maria of Saint Joseph (Francesco) Pontillo, professed religious of the Order of Friars Minor, who each day in the streets of the city humbly begged for alms from people, to whom in turn he gave words of consolation. († 1812)

  14. In Changsha (China), Saint Giovanni from Triora (Francesco Maria) Lantrua, professed priest of the Order of Friars Minor and martyr, who, after a long and cruel imprisonment, was strangled. († 1816)

  15. * In Paris (France), Blessed Rosalie (Jeanne Marie) Rendu, vowed member of the Daughters of Charity of Saint Vincent de Paul, who worked tirelessly in a refuge for the needy in the city’s poorest suburbs, and visited the poor in their homes. In times of civil strife, she worked for peace and convinced many young and wealthy people to devote themselves to charity. († 1856)

  16. * In Paris (France), Blessed Marie of Providence (Eug้nie) Smet, virgin, founder of the Institute of Helpers of the Holy Souls in Purgatory. († 1871)

  17. * In Rome (Italy), Blessed Pius IX, pope, who proclaimed the truth of Christ, to whom he was intimately united, and erected many episcopal sees, promoting devotion to the Blessed Virgin Mary and convening the First Vatican Council. († 1878)

  18. * In Parma (Italy), Blessed Anna Maria Adorni. On becoming a widow, she charitably devoted herself to imprisoned women for whose service she founded the Congregation of the Handmaids of Mary Immaculate. († 1893)  

  19. * In Krak๓w (Poland), Blessed Klara Ludwika Szczęsna, virgin, cofounder of the Congregation of the Sister Servants of the Most Sacred Heart of Jesus to help workers and spread devotion to the Sacred Heart. († 1916)

  20. * In Pont de Molins (Spain), the Blessed martyrs Anselmo Polanco Fontecha, professed priest of the Order of Saint Augustine and Bishop of Teruel, and Felipe Ripoll Morata, diocesan priest, who, despite threats and promises, maintained their fidelity to the Church. († 1939)

  21. * At the concentration camp of Auschwitz, in Oświęcim (Poland), Blessed Wojciech Nierychlewski, professed priest of the Congregation of Saint Michael the Archangel and martyr. Having drafted a document defending human dignity and religion under a military regime opposed to it, he was deported to Auschwitz. After cruel torments, he was executed for his faith in Christ. († 1942)

  22. * In Donoku (Myanmar), Blessed Alfredo Cremonesi, priest of the Pontifical Institute for Foreign Missions and martyr. Zealously dedicated to the evangelization of the Karens, whose poverty and marginalization he wanted to share, he was killed by soldiers moved by hatred towards Christians. († 1953)



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Last modified: 01/03/25