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  1.  In Neocaesarea (now Niksar, Türkiye), Saint Troadius, martyr during the persecution of Emperor Decius, about whose martyrdom Saint Gregory Thaumaturgus bore witness. († c. 250)

  2. In Lichfield (England), Saint Chad (or Ceadda), bishop, who, in very difficult times, exercised the episcopal ministry in the territory of Mercia, Lindisfarne, and Mediterranean Anglia, a ministry which he sought to carry out with a life of great perfection according to the examples of the ancient Fathers. († 672)

  3. * In Agira (Italy), Saint Luca Casali from Nicosia, monk, renowned for his profound humility and great virtues. († 9th cent.)

  4. In Prague (Czechia), Saint Anežka, abbess, who, being the daughter of King Ottokar, refused the royal wedding to be the wife of Jesus Christ alone. She embraced the Rule of Saint Clare in a monastery she built, where she wanted to strictly observe the life of poverty. († c. 1282)

  5. * In Bruges (Belgium), Blessed Karel the Good, martyr, who, being King of Denmark and later Count of Flanders, acted as promoter of justice and defender of the poor and was killed by soldiers whom he sought to lead to peace. († 1127)

  6. In Seville (Spain), Saint Ángela of the Cross (María de los Ángeles) Guerrero González, founder of the Institute of the Sisters of the Company of the Cross. She did not keep for herself any privileges that she did not reserve for the poor, whom she used to call her masters and served to the full. († 1932)

  7. * At the Dachau concentration camp, in Oberbayern (Germany), Blessed Engelmar (Hubert) Unzeitig, priest of the Congregation of the Missionaries of Marianhilland and martyr. For regarding Christ as the Supreme Lord and standing up for persecuted Jews, he was condemned to inhuman internment, where, contrasting hatred with love, he willingly nursed fatally sick inmates until he himself died of the same illness.  († 1943)



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Last modified: 01/03/25