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In Caesarea in Palestine (now Keisarya, Israel),
Saints Marinus, soldier,
and Asterius, senator,
martyred during the persecution of the Emperor
Gallienus. The first, denounced as a Christian by a
hostile comrade in arms, professed with a loud voice
his Christian faith before the judge and received
the crown of martyrdom through beheading. It is said
that when Asterius collected the martyr's body with
his own garment, he himself received the same honor
which he had offered to a martyr. († c. 260)
In Calahorra (Spain), Saints
Emeterius and Celedonius, martyrs, who were
performing military service in León, a city in
Galicia, when the persecution broke out. They were
taken to Calahorra where they received the crown of
martyrdom for confessing the name of Christ. († c.
4th cent.)
In Amaseia (now Amasya, Türkiye),
Saints Cleonicus and Eutropius,
martyrs during the persecution of Emperor Maximian,
killed under the orders of the prefect Asclepiodatus.
(† 4th cent.)
In Brescia (Italy), Saint
Titian, bishop. († c. 526)
In Cornwall (England), Saint
Winwaloe (or Guénolé), first abbot of the
monastery of Landévennec, who, according to
tradition, was a disciple of Saint Budoc on Lavrec
Island and exemplified the monastic rule with his
life. († 533)
* In Benevento (Italy), Saint
Arthellais, virgin. († c. 570)
* In Nonantola (Italy), Saint
Anselm, founder and first abbot of the
monastery in this city. For fifty years, he promoted
the monastic observance through his teaching and
exercise of virtues. († 803)
In Kaufungen (Germany,) Saint
Cunigund [Kunigunde], who, with her husband,
Emperor Saint Heinrich II, bestowed many benefits to
the Church. After the death of her husband, she
embraced the cenobitic life in the monastery where
she had retired, taking Christ as her inheritance.
Her body was buried with solemn honors in Bamberg,
next to the remains of Saint Heinrich. († c.
* In Friesland (Netherlands),
Blessed Friedrich, who was parish priest of
of Hallum and later abbot of the Premonstratensian
monastery of Mariëngaarde. († 1175)
* In Palermo (Italy), Blessed
Pietro Geremia, professed priest of the Order
of Preachers. Confirmed by Saint Vincent Ferrer in
the ministry of God’s word, he totally consecrated
himself to the salvation of souls. († 1452)
* In Vercelli (Italy), Blessed
Giacomino de’ Canepacci, professed religious
of the Order of the Blessed Virgin Mary of Mount
Carmel, celebrated for his life of prayer and
penance. († 1508)
* In Gondar (Ethiopia),
Blesseds Liberat Weiss, Samuele Marzorati and
Michele Pio Fasoli, professed priests of the
Order of Friars Minor and martyrs, who were stoned
to death for their Catholic faith. († 1716)
* In Vannes (France), Blessed
Pierre René Rogue, priest of the Congregation
of the Mission and martyr. During the French
Revolution, he refused to take the nefarious oath
imposed on the clergy and remained in the city to
exercise the pastoral ministry among the faithful in
secret. Condemned to death, he set out to meet the
Lord’s mercy in the very church where he celebrated
the sacred mysteries. († 1796)
In Brescia (Italy), Saint
Teresa Eustochio (Ignazia) Verzeri, virgin,
founder of the Congregation of the Daughters of the
Sacred Heart of Jesus. († 1852)
* In Bergamo (Italy), Blessed
Innocenzo (Giovanni) Scalvinoni from Berzo,
professed priest of the Order of Friars Minor
Capuchin, who shone for his exemplary charity,
dedicated to spreading the word of God and
celebrating the sacrament of Penance. († 1890)
* In Mexico City (Mexico),
Blessed María de la Concepción [Conchita] Cabrera
Arias de Armida, devoted wife and mother of a
family. On being widowed, she immersed herself
deeply in the contemplation of the Trinity, leading
her to establish the Works of the Cross. († 1937)
In Philadelphia (United States of America),
Saint Katharine Mary Drexel,
virgin, founder of the Congregation of the Sisters
of the Blessed Sacrament, who generously and
lovingly devoted the riches of her inheritance to
the education and betterment of the Native American
and Black peoples. († 1955)
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