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  1. Saint Patrick, bishop, who, as a young man, was taken captive from Brittany to Ireland. After regaining his freedom, he embraced the clerical state and returned to the same island, where, elected bishop, he proclaimed the Gospel to the people with great zeal and firmly organized the Church, until he fell asleep in the Lord in Down (Ireland). († 461)

  2. The commemoration of many Holy martyrs in Alexandria (Egypt), who, during the reign of Emperor Theodosius, when the number of Christians was growing, were arrested by the worshipers of Serapis and were savagely slaughtered for steadfastly refusing to worship that idol. († c. 392)

  3. In Chalons-sur-Saône (France), Saint Agricola, bishop, who governed this Church for almost ten years and consolidated it with several councils. († 580)

  4. In Nivelles (Belgium), Saint Gertrude, abbess. Born of a very illustrious family, she received from Bishop Saint Amand the sacred veil of virgins and wisely directed the monastery built by her mother. She was always assiduous in reading Sacred Scripture and unwavering in the austerity of vigils and fasting. († 659)

  5. In Cyprus, Saint Paul, monk and martyr, who was burned to death for defending the veneration of sacred icons. († c. 770)

  6. * In Modugno (Italy), Blessed Corrado, who led an eremitical life in Palestine, living in a dreary cave until his death. († c. 1154)

  7. In Olomouc (Czechia), Saint Jan Sarkander, diocesan priest and martyr, who, being parish priest of Holešov and refusing to reveal the secrets of the confessional, was tortured on the rack and locked in prison, where he died one month later. († 1620)

  8. In Waubaushene (Canada), the passion of Saint Gabriel Lalemant, professed priest of the Society of Jesus, who, passionately dedicated himself to the proclamation of the glory of God in the language of the local peoples, before being treated by some hostile unbelievers to very cruel tortures. His memorial is celebrated on 11 October, along with that of his companions. († 1649)

  9. * In Catumbi (Brazil), Blessed Maria Bárbara Maix of the Holy Trinity, virgin, founder of the Congregation of the Sisters of the Immaculate Heart of Mary, who spoke the language of evangelical charity in her loving service to the poor, orphans, and abandoned children. († 1873)

  10. * In Málaga (Spain), Blessed Juan Nepomuceno Zegrí Moreno, diocesan priest, who consecrated his ministry to the service of the Church and the good of souls and, for the greater glory of God the Father in Christ, founded the Congregation of the Mercedarian Sisters of Charity. († 1905)



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Last modified: 01/03/25