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  1. In Aquileia (Italy), Saints Hilary, bishop, and Tatian, martyrs. († date uncertain)

  2. In Seleucia on the Tigris (now Tell Umar, Iraq), Saint Papas. Hailing from Lycaonia (now central Türkiye), his earthly life ended with martyrdom after enduring many torments on account of his faith in Christ. († 4th cent.)

  3. In Anazarbus in Cilicia (now Anavarza, Türkiye), Saint Julian, martyr, who, after being tortured for a long time by Marcian the governor, was sewn up in a sack with serpents and thrown into the sea. († 4th cent.)

  4. * In the region of Artois (France), Saint Eusebia, abbess of Hamage, who, after the death of her father, consecrated herself in the monastic life with her mother Saint Rictrudis. While still an adolescent, she was elected abbess to succeed her grandmother Saint Gertrude. († c. 680)

  5. In Cologne (Germany), Saint Heribert, bishop, who, while chancellor of Emperor Otto III, was elected to the episcopal see against his will. He tirelessly enlightened the clergy and the people with the example of his virtues, which he also exhorted with his preaching. († 1021)

  6. * In Vicenza (Italy), Blessed Giovanni Sordi (or Cacciafronte), bishop and martyr. At first an abbot, he was condemned to exile for his fidelity to the pope. Elected bishop of Mantua and transferred later to the episcopal see of Vicenza, he died for the freedom of the Church, struck with a sword by a hired killer. († 1181)

  7. * In York (England), Blesseds John Amias and Robert Dalby, diocesan priests and martyrs, who were condemned to death during the reign of Queen Elizabeth I because of the priesthood and went with joy to their execution at the gallows. († 1589)

  8. In Waubaushene (Canada), the passion of Saint Jean de Brébeuf, professed priest of the Society of Jesus and martyr, who was sent from France to the mission among the Hurons. After years of missionary labor, he was cruelly tortured by some unbelievers and died for Christ. His memorial is celebrated on 11 October, along with that of his companions. († 1649)



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Last modified: 01/03/25