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In Tebessa (Algeria), Saint
Maximilian, martyr. Being the son of Victor,
a veteran, he was recruited into the army, but he
replied to the proconsul Cassius Dio that, as a
Christian, he was not allowed to serve as soldier.
For refusing to take the military oath, he was put
to the sword. († 295)
In Nicomedia in Bithynia (now İzmit, Türkiye), the
commemoration of the Holy
martyrs Migdonius, presbyter,
Eugene, Maximus, Domna,
Mardonius, Peter, Smaragdus, and Hilary, who
were suffocated on successive days to terrorize
others. († 303)
Also in Nicomedia in Bithynia (now İzmit, Türkiye),
the passion of Saint Peter,
martyr, chief chamberlain of the Emperor Diocletian,
who, having publicly lamented the excessive tortures
of these martyrs, was placed in their midst by order
of the same emperor. He was then strung up and
flogged for a long time before finally being roasted
over a slow fire on a gridiron.
Dorotheus and Gorgonius, also chamberlains of
the emperor, who complained against what had
happened, suffered similar torments and were finally
hanged. († 303)
At the Catacombs of Ponziano “ad Ursum Pileatum”, in
Rome (Italy), the burial of
Saint Innocent I, pope, who defended Saint
John Chrysostom, comforted Saint Jerome, and
approved Saint Augustine. († 417)
In Saint-Pol-de-Léon (France),
Saint Paul Aurelian, the first bishop of this
city. († 6th cent.)
In Rome, at the Basilica of Saint Peter (Italy), the
burial of Saint Gregory the
Great, pope, whose memorial is celebrated on
3 September, the day of his ordination. († 604)
On Mount Sigriane in Bithynia (now Mount Karadăg,
Türkiye), at the Monastery of Megas Agros, the burial
of Saint Theophanes,
called the Chronographer,
who, being very rich, became a poor monk. For
defending the veneration of sacred icons, he was
imprisoned for two years at the behest of Emperor
Leo V the Armenian. He was then deported to
Samothraki (Greece), where, exhausted by so many
tribulations, he surrendered his spirit to God. (†
* In Winchester (England),
Saint Elphege, bishop, who had been a monk
and worked hard for the restoration of the cenobitic
life. († 951)
* In San Gimignano (Italy),
Blessed Fina (or Serafina), virgin, who from
an early age, endured a long and serious illness
with invincible patience, trusting only in God. (†
* In Arezzo (Italy), Blessed
Giustina Francucci Bezzoli, virgin of the
Order of Saint Benedict and recluse. († 1319)
* In Recanati (Italy), Blessed
Girolamo Gherarducci, professed priest of the
Order of Saint Augustine, who worked for peace and
harmony among peoples. († c. 1369)
In Guiyang, in the province of Guangxi (China),
Saint Joseph Zhang Dapeng,
martyr, who, having received the light of faith,
opened the doors to missionaries and catechists
shortly after being baptized. He helped in every way
the poor, the sick, and children, until the day he
was led to the torment of the cross, where he shed
tears of joy for being considered worthy to die for
Christ. († 1815)
* In Kraków (Poland), Blessed
Aniela Salawa, virgin of the Secular
Franciscan Order, who, deciding to spend her whole
life in domestic service, lived humbly among
servants, and departed this world in extreme poverty
to meet the Lord. († 1922)
In Sanremo (Italy), Saint Luigi
Orione, priest, who founded the Little Work
of Divine Providence to help young people and the
marginalized. († 1940)
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