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  1. Saint John of God, religious. Portuguese by origin, he aspired for greater things after a life filled with danger as a soldier and, with indefatigable charity, dedicated himself to the service of the needy and the sick in a hospital he founded. He associated himself with several companions with whom he later constituted the Order of the Hospitallers of Saint John of God. On this day, in Granada (Spain), he passed unto eternal rest. († 1550)

  2. The commemoration of Saint Pontius, deacon of Saint Cyprian in Carthage, whom he accompanied in exile until his death and left an excellent account of the bishop’s life and martyrdom. († 3rd cent.)

  3. In Antinoöpolis (Egypt), Saints Apollonius and Philemon, martyrs. († 287)

  4. * In Como (Italy), Saint Provinus, bishop, faithful disciple of Saint Ambrose, who preserved the Church entrusted to him from the Arian heresy. († c. 420)

  5. * In Scattery Island (Ireland), Saint Senan, abbot. († 6th cent.)

  6. In Dunwich (England), Saint Felix, bishop, a native of Burgundy, who evangelized the East Angles during the reign of King Sigebehrt. († c. 646)

  7. In Strobilos on the coast of Caria (now Aspat, Türkiye), Saint Theophylactus, bishop, who was condemned to exile in this place for defending the veneration of sacred icons. († c. 840)

  8. * In Thérouanne (France), Saint Humphroy (or Humfrid), bishop, who, after the Norman destruction of this city, immediately strove to gather and comfort its people.  († 871)

  9. * In Pavia (Italy), Saint Litiphrid, bishop. († 874)

  10. * In Tayne (Scotland), the burial of Saint Duthac, Bishop of Ross. († c. 1065)

  11. * In Estella (Spain), Saint Veremundo, Abbot of Irache, who having embraced the monastic life from a tender age, encouraged his monks to seek perfection by his example and with fasts and vigils. († c. 1095)

  12. * In Obazine (now Aubazines, France), Saint Étienne, the first abbot of the monastery in this place, who, in his quest for God, affiliated the three monasteries he founded with the Cistercian Order. († 1159)

  13. * At the Cistercian monastery of Jędrzejów (Poland), the passing of Blessed Wincenty Kadłubek, bishop of Krakow, who, after renouncing his ministry, practiced the monastic life in this place. († 1223)

  14. * In Hiroshima (Japan), Blessed Joachim Kurōemon, catechist and martyr, who, condemned to die on a cross, joyfully marched to martyrdom while exhorting the faithful to hold steadfastly to the faith of Christ. († 1624)

  15. In Getafe (Spain), Saint Faustino Míguez González, professed priest of the Clerics Regular of the Mother of God of the Pious Schools, who dedicated himself entirely to the task of education, achieving great renown as a teacher and expert in the natural sciences. He was diligently in his pastoral activity and founded the Congregation of the Daughters of the Divine Shepherdess. († 1925)



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Last modified: 01/03/25