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  1. The Memorial of the Holy martyrs Perpetua and Felicitas, imprisoned in Carthage (Tunisia) with other young catechumens during the reign of Emperor Septimius Severus. Perpetua, a patrician woman of about twenty-two years of age, was the mother of a nursing child. Felicitas, her slave, spared by the laws as she was pregnant so she could give birth, remained serene before the wild beasts despite the pains of childbirth. Both went from the prison to the amphitheater, their faces happy, as if they were going to Heaven. († 203)

  2. Also in Carthage (Tunisia), the passion of Saints Satyrus, Saturninus, Revocatus, and Secundulus, who died in the same persecution. The last-named died in prison; the others, after suffering from the attacks of several wild beasts, were slaughtered with a sword while they exchanged the holy kiss. († 203)

  3. In Caesarea in Palestine (now Keisarya, Israel), the passion of Saint Eubulus, companion of Saint Adrian, who, two days after him, was torn to pieces by lions and killed with a spear. († 309)

  4. In Chersonesus (now Khersones Tavriis’kyi, Ukraine), the Holy bishops Basil, Eugene, Agathodorus, Elpidius, Aetherius, Capito, and Ephraim, martyrs. († c. 4th cent.)

  5. In the Thebaid (Egypt), Saint Paul the Simple, disciple of Saint Anthony. († 4th cent.)

  6. In Brescia (Italy), Saint Gaudiosus, bishop. († 5th cent.)

  7. * At the monastery of Aniane (France), Saint Ardo Smaragdus, priest, a companion of Saint Benedict of Aniane in the cenobitic life. († 843)

  8. In Prusa in Bithynia (now Brusa, Türkiye), Saint Paul, bishop, who was expelled from his homeland for defending the veneration of sacred icons and died in exile. († 850)

  9. At the Cistercian monastery of Fossanova (Italy), the passing of Saint Thomas Aquinas, whose memorial is celebrated on 28 January. († 1274)

  10. * In London (England), the Blessed martyrs John Larke and John Ireland, diocesan priests, and German Gardiner, layperson, who, for their allegiance to the Roman Pontiff, were hanged at Tyburn during the reign of King Henry VIII. († 1544)

  11.  In Florence (Italy), Saint Teresa Margherita Redi, virgin, who, having entered the Order of Discalced Carmelites, walked an arduous path of perfection and died at a young age. († 1770)

  12. In Seoul (South Korea), Saint John Baptist Nam Chong-sam, martyr. († 1866)

  13. In Saenamteo (South Korea), the Holy martyrs Siméon Berneux, bishop, Juste Ranfer de Bretenières, Louis Beaulieu, and Pierre-Henri Dorie, priests of the Paris Foreign Mission Society, beheaded for boldly claiming that they came to Korea to save souls in the name of Christ. († 1866)

  14. * In Camagüey (Cuba), Blessed José Olallo Valdés, professed religious of the Order of the Hospitallers of Saint John of God, who was considered as father and protector by both the wounded and the sick in the hospital and the poor and the slaves of this city. († 1889)

  15. * In Kirov (Russia), Blessed Leonid Fëdorov, bishop and martyr, who, exercising his ministry as apostolic exarch of Russian Catholics of the Byzantine Rite, merited to be a faithful disciple of Christ until death under a regime hostile to religion. († 1935)

  16. * In Den Din (Laos), the Blessed martyrs Luc Sy, catechist, and Maisam Pho Inpèng, fathers of families, who, for their charitable works and missionary activities, were killed by those who disdained the name of Christ. († 1970)



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Last modified: 01/03/25