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  1. In Nicomedia in Bithynia (now İzmit, Türkiye), the Holy martyrs Macedonius, presbyter, Patricia, his wife, and Modesta, their daughter. († date uncertain)

  2. In Hermopolis (now El Ashmunein, Egypt), Saint Sabinus, martyr, who, after suffering many torments, died by being thrown into the river. († 4th cent.)

  3. In Persia (now Iran), Saint Christina, martyr, who, after being beaten with rods, consummated her martyrdom during the reign of Chrosus, King of the Persians. († 559)

  4. * In Poitiers (France), Saint Pientius, bishop, who gave great help to Saint Radegund in the foundation of monasteries. († 6th cent.)

  5. In Seville (Spain), Saint Leander, bishop, brother of Saints Isidore, Fulgentius and Florentina, who, by his preaching and solicitude, converted the Visigoths from Arianism to the Catholic faith with the help of King Reccared. († c. 600)

  6. * At the monastery of Novalesa, on the foot of Moncenisio in the Val di Susa (Italy), Saint Eldrad, abbot, great promoter of divine worship, who reformed the psalter and built new churches. († c. 840)

  7. In Córdoba (Spain), the passion of Saints Roderick, priest, and Solomon, martyrs: the former, for refusing to believe that Mohammed was truly the prophet sent by the Almighty, was put in prison where he found Solomon, who had previously adhered to Islam. Both consummated their glorious combat by being beheaded. († 857)

  8. In Camerino (Italy), Saint Ansovinus, bishop. († 868)

  9. * At the monastery of Cava, in Cava de’ Tirreni (Italy), Blessed Peter II, abbot. († 1208)

  10. * In Oxford (England), Blessed Agnelo from Pisa, a priest, who, sent by Saint Francis to France and then to England, established the Order of Minors there and promoted the sacred sciences. († c. 1236/1275)

  11. * In Ernée (France), Blessed Françoise Tréhet, virgin, professed religious of the Congregation of Sisters of Charity of Our Lady of Evron and martyr, who dedicated herself with great care to the instruction of children and the care of the sick. During the French Revolution, she consummated her martyrdom for Christ by dying on the guillotine. († 1794)

  12. In Bahia (Brazil), Saint Dulce (Maria Rita) Lopes Pontes, professed religious of the Congregation of the Missionary Sisters of the Immaculate Conception of the Mother of God, who, enduring all forms of adversity, completely dedicated herself to caring for the disadvantaged and needy. († 1992)



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Last modified: 01/03/25