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  1. In Tortona (Italy), Saint Marcian, venerated as bishop and martyr. († date uncertain)

  2. In Nicomedia (now İzmit, Türkiye), Saint Victorinus, martyr. († date uncertain)

  3. In Trier (Germany), Saint Quiriacus, priest. († early 4th cent.)

  4. The commemoration of Saint Evagrius, Bishop of Constantinople (now Istanbul, Türkiye), who, sent into exile by Emperor Valens, departed this world for the Lord as a distinguished confessor of the faith. († c. 378)

  5. In Toledo (Spain), Saint Julian, bishop, who assembled three councils in this city and expounded on orthodox teachings in his writings, manifesting a great sense of justice, charity and zeal for souls. († 690)

  6. In Säckingen (Switzerland), Saint Fridolin, abbot, who, coming from Ireland, made a pilgrimage through Gaul and arrived at Säckingen, where he founded two monasteries in honor of Saint Hilary. († 8th cent.)

  7. In Metz (France), Saint Chrodegang, bishop, who recommended to the clergy a cloistered observance under an irreproachable Rule of life and exceptionally promoted liturgical chant. († 766)

  8. In Syria, the passion of forty-two Holy martyrs, who, having been arrested in Amorium of Phrygia (now Hisarköy, Türkiye) and led to the Euphrates River, endured a glorious combat and received the palm of martyrdom. († 848)

  9. * In Barcelona (Spain), Saint Olegario, bishop, who also took the episcopal see of Tarragona when this ancient diocese was freed from Muslim domination. († 1137)

  10. * In Viterbo (Italy), Blessed Rosa, virgin of the Secular Franciscan Order, who diligently dedicated herself to works of charity and concluded her brief life prematurely at the age of eighteen. († 1253)

  11. In Ghent (Belgium), Saint Colette Boylet, virgin, who, after spending three years of strict austerity, secluded in a small house next to a church, professed the Rule of Saint Francis and led many Poor Clare monasteries back to the primitive observance, promoting especially the spirit of poverty and penance. († 1447)



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Last modified: 01/03/25