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  1. In Smyrna (now İzmir, Türkiye), Saint Pionius, presbyter and martyr. Tradition narrates that, for writing apologias for the Christian faith, he was condemned to prison, where he encouraged fellow believers to endure martyrdom with his exhortations. After undergoing various torments, he attained death for Christ by fire. († c. 250)

  2. In Laodicea (now Latakia, Syria), Saints Trophimus and Thalus, martyrs, who obtained crowns of glory, after many cruel tortures, during the persecution of Emperor Diocletian. († 4th cent.)

  3. * In Scotland, Saint Constantine, king, disciple of Saint Columbus and martyr. († 6th cent.)

  4. In Jerusalem (Israel), Saint Sophronius, bishop, who visited various monastic sites with John Moschus, his teacher and friend, and was later elected to succeed Modestus in this episcopal see. When the Holy City fell into the hands of the Saracens, he vigorously defended the faith and security of the people. († 639)

  5. * In Hainaut (Belgium), Saint Vindician, Bishop of Cambrai and of Arras, who exhorted King Theodoric III to do penance to expiate the crime committed with the death of Saint Leodegar. († c. 712)

  6. In Milan (Italy), the burial of Saint Benedict, bishop. († 725)

  7. * At the monastery of Tallaght (Ireland), Saint Angus (or Óengus) the Culdee, monk, who diligently composed a martyrology of the saints of Ireland. († c. 824)

  8. In Córdoba (Spain), Saint Eulogius, priest and martyr, slain with the sword for gloriously confessing the name of Christ. († 859)

  9. * In Cupramontana (Italy), Blessed Giovanni Battista de Fabriano Righi, professed priest of the Order of Friars Minor. († 1539)

  10. * In York (England), Blessed Thomas Atkinson, diocesan priest and martyr, who, during the reign of King James I, suffered martyrdom out of hatred for the priesthood. († 1616)

  11. * In Clonmel (Ireland), Blessed John Kearney, professed priest of the Order of Friars Minor and martyr, who, condemned to death for being a priest in England, had avoided the sentence by escaping. Afterwards, having returned to his country under Oliver Cromwell, he was again accused of exercising the priesthood and suffered the torture of the gallows. († 1653)

  12. In Hưng Yên (Vietnam), Saint Dominic [Ðaminh] Câm, diocesan priest and martyr, who, after secretly carrying out pastoral work for many years at the risk of his life, and continuing to do so in prison, was finally condemned to death by order of Emperor Tự Đức. He embraced the cross of the Lord which he had firmly refused to trample underfoot. († 1859)

  13. In Saenamteo (South Korea), the Holy martyrs Mark Chŏng Ŭi-bae, catechist, and Alexius U Se-yŏng, who, because of their Christian faith, were subjected by their own relatives to insults and beatings. († 1866)



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Last modified: 01/03/25