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  1. In Pydna (Greece), Saint Alexander, martyr. († c. 390)

  2. In Milan (Italy), Saint Lazarus, bishop. († 5th cent.)

  3. In Chartres (France), Saint Leobin, bishop. († c. 557)

  4. In Quedlinburg (Germany), Saint Matilda, most faithful wife of King Henry, who, outstanding for her humility and patience, generously dedicated herself to helping the poor and founding hospitals and monasteries. († 968)

  5. * In Fulda (Germany), Saint Paulina, religious. († 1107)

  6. * In Liège (Belgium), Blessed Ève from Mont-Cornillon, recluse in the monastery of Saint Martin, who, together with Saint Juliana, prioress of the same monastery, worked to ensure that Pope Urban IV instituted the solemnity of the Body of Christ. († c. 1265)

  7. * In Palermo (Italy), Blessed Giacomo Cusmano, priest, who founded the Missionary Institute of the Servants and Sisters Servants of the Poor and was recognised for his extraordinary charity towards the indigent and sick. († 1888)

  8. * In Naples (Italy), Blessed Maria Giuseppina of Jesus Crucified (Giuseppina Catanea), professed nun of the Order of Discalced Carmelites, who, accepting her illnesses silently yet joyfully, abandoned herself to God, who graced her with mystical gifts. († 1948)



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Last modified: 01/03/25